Dahlias have been cut down and labelled, ready to be lifted for over Winter. Dahlia tubers are susceptible to rotting if you leave them in the soil. We have got away with it before but sometimes it is not worth the risk. Once you have cut the Dahlia down (usually after the first frosts once the leaves have turned blackish), you dig it up and turn it upside down to dry. An amazing amount of water is retained in the hollow stems. It literally pours out sometimes. I have loved the Dahlias. All sorts of colours and shapes.
We have composted Rhubarb and are now forcing it. Time also to prune. We worked on Blackcurrant and Blackberry which is trained onto a fruit cage. Removing old wood which has flowered and tying in new shoots for next year. A rewarding job. I do love tidying!!
The gardens are opening up once more. As we remove plants and foliage, views are expanded. The Veg garden becoming part of the bigger picture again.
Soon be time for the new plan of the veg garden and where to dig/not dig. The cycle continues.....