Friday, 2 June 2017


Time this week alone in the gardens and I have been so lucky with the weather and the peace and quiet. Now and again a visitor pops by and lets me know how much they are loving the garden, asking how old the Apple tunnels are and how many Gardeners the garden needs to keep it on top! More than we have I say!

Everywhere I look I can see what needs doing, what could be improved with a half hour here and a half hour there. But alas, never enough time.

At this time the weeds are full on and you cannot turn a blind eye when the Thistles are up with the Alliums. So much of my time is spent kneeling and sorting it out. Yet in-between I get to crop Strawberries, plant beautiful annuals we have grown from seed and nurture seedlings of Carrot and Beet poking up through the soil. My favourite time in the garden is the nurturing stage. The watering, weeding, pricking out, potting on. Knowing that a little time here and there and the plants will thrive and go on to show off their potential.

I rushed past the gate yesterday on my way somewhere and my eye was caught by the beautiful Chinonanthus virgincus in full flower against a blue sky. What a beauty. Stunning tassel type flowers (also known as the Fringe Tree), white and slightly fragrant. It just caught me by surprise. I walk past it day in, day out and then KABOOM, it flowers!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing Johanna... Love your photo of Chinonanthus.. lucky you surrounded by strawbs + tranquil silence..though know what you mean about weeds this time of year too..very satisfying to get them out, but a definite challenge when other things also need attending to.. #dayinthelife : )
