Monday, 26 June 2017

Summer in the garden

There is so much to see and smell in the garden right now. Everything is floaty, tall, colourful, scented. I am in heaven!

At Heale, the Annuals have survived from seed, through pricking out, cold frames and final transplant. A flipping miracle really. With watering and temperature changes successfully dodged, not to mention beasties trying to eat them. We have all sorts going on, Nicotiana, Ammi majus, Daucus, Miribalis, Stock, Zinnia, Tithonia. My favourite though are the pots of loveliness that abound. You can make up whatever you want at this time of year.

At home I have a deep purple Salvia happily living alongside Euphorbia 'Diamond Frost' which has tiny white flowers like a spray in amongst silvery Plectranthus leaves. I also have good old Nasturtiums trailing here and there, which soften any hard landscape. I still have a blue ceramic pot stuffed with Luzula nivea grass, which I grew from seed bought at Chelsea a few years ago. Some of the babies it kindly sent along the border next to the pot are now happily planted in my garden. The green tall grass swaying next to the blue pot. Glorious.


In the veg garden, it is going ON! The direct sown Beans are up and we have begun to crop; Broad Beans, Strawberries, Pots (Red Duke of York), Peas, Corgettes baby! Yep, I get excited about my veg! We have a Courgette called 'Eight Ball', a round variety, which mixes it up a bit.

In the wider garden, the Roses hold so much beauty, we have all sorts, the Musk Rose border looks gorgeous under planted with Nepeta. Some of the Roses scrambling up through the trees are spectacular, with amazing names including Bobby James and Paul's Himalayan Musk. HG talks of them as if old friends!

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