Monday, 16 January 2017


The New Year is upon us. Each January, I, like many others, feel so sluggish and unmotivated. Why am I doing this? Why do I want to grow veg when I could just buy it? Why work in the rain and mud when I could be warm indoors?

So many questions and I often wonder if I will ever muster the energy to pull myself together and begin growing again.

Well, my first week back at work in the dark and rain and mud and I feel energised and ready to delve into seed catalogues again! I started slowly with my Tuesday client, weeding, turning and composting a large border. Transplanting Aster and Phlox that have grown too big for their boots. Removing Rose suckers. Trimming back Mahonia. A gentle introduction to the great outdoors again.

At Heale we continued with Rose and Wisteria pruning. Who couldn't enjoy a spot of gentle pruning? Knowing that each cut to a bud will give flowers and scent in just a few months time. I can almost see the blooms and smell them as I work. 

Working alongside our volunteer, Rachel, who sees every job with fresh eyes, is a joy. It reminds me why I am doing this and how even in the depths of Winter, beauty can be found all around. The moon was full on the drive to work one day, silhouetted trees before it, beautiful.

A quick visit to my allotment with my youngest was a pure joy! We found Leeks and Kale and even integrated chat about his favourite computer game Plants Vs Zombies. I wonder what a Raspberry might look like if it was in the game? And what super powers would Kale have?

It is possible, with a bit (lot) of work to keep us all motivated with the great outdoors. And definitely, it is worth the effort.

1 comment:

  1. Another great post Johanna...feeling a similar lethargy and lack of motivation that seems to happen each year around this time, but as you say, once one has gotten back into the swing of garden tasks, the sense of accomplishment, and general nourishment of the self from time spent outdoors, refreshes us and reminds us of why we work in horticulture... Every day brings tiny new signs of the season's turning towards Spring...Enjoy...and thanks for sharing : )
