Friday, 22 July 2016

Top of the mountain

I feel like we have been climbing, climbing, climbing then just as every bit of soil in the veg garden at Heale has been filled, we begin our descent and start to remove the first of this years crops. The year begins with such promise of whats to come, we plan, we sow, we sow some more, we sneak in some more just incase, we plant and plant and then we reach the peak.

At Heale we have begun to remove some early sown Broad beans and Peas which have stopped producing and we have started to fill the soil with Leeks. We have planted out the last of our crops - the Squashes and Cucamelons - filling any gaps. Last week we began the mammoth task of laying down the Single Cordon Sweet Peas which attracts much visitor interest, as HG and I begin to lie the 6 foot stems down. It does look a little strange. Most visitors are astounded that we can gain all of that growth from a single Lathyrus seed. Well nature is a marvel and not only do we gain that growth but the plant continues to give us another 6 foot more!

A very meditative task, focus on the moment.

We continue to maintain growth in all areas of the garden. HG strimming, mowing, cutting, pruning. Fruit pruning is quite a task at Heale, we have 50 year old Apple and Pear tunnels to Summer prune amongst others.

We began trimming some Hornbeam hedging this week, keeping it in check. HG likes to lift the canopy of the Betula trees amongst the Miscanthus grass borders and we continued with this yesterday. The beautiful whitish papery bark is revealed as you remove each limb and the grass can extend upwards towards the sky. A lovely job.

It was very hot this week and on one of my days I was working in a clients 'Hot' border. You're not kidding. Baking hot position for hot colours of Dahlia, Verbena, Crocosmia and Iris. Just as I was about to pass out in the heat, we finished and moved onto a shady, breezy bed. I fell to my knees!

A hat is a must, along with suncream, Piriton tablets and my latest addition to the Gardening paraphernalia; insect repellent. It doesn't smell too good but I have avoided the Horse flies these last few weeks so that's good enough for me!

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