Saturday, 9 July 2016

At last

At last we have produce at Heale, a vast variety and all the long wait has been worth it! It seems like eternity since I last picked a Courgette from it's mother plant but yesterday I did just that. Gorgeous lush Courgettes, all shapes and sizes. Along with Broadies, Peas, Salad leaves, edible flowers, Beets and Strawberries.

Along with the Sweet peas, what a haul!

This year has been different to last, as it seems with gardening, never the same twice. We have had lots of rain and mild weather which seems to have caused plants to take ages to get going and then when they do, they are slugged or go mouldy. Yet I am heartened by the Beets that I pulled up. Our two ferral cats Bo and Fennel, seem to be helping with the demise of the Heale Bank Vole population. Each Beet was a perfect cylinder, untouched, no nibble holes, no damage. A joy!
The wider garden is in a state of flux, some of the wild meadow has been cut, the Roses are going over, the Apple tunnels have new growth reaching for the sky (almost ready, dare I say for their Summer Prune). Already? Again???!!). The weeds still keep coming, planters stuffed with Salvia, Sweet pea and Nicotiana are settling in to their own.

This week I was lucky enough to get to Hampton Court Show (a gift from my Tuesday client). It is always good to get out. I enjoyed having more space to get around than at Chelsea. However, I am afraid to say I found it extremely commercial and elitist. I liked some of the ideas, especially the Rocket made from, yes, Rocket and many succulents. Imaginative and out of the ordinary. An interesting display. But the rows and rows of 'stuff' (if you put 'Garden' in front of it you can sell anything) didn't float my boat. Hardy's Cottage Plants did though, every time. Well done Rosy and Rob for another fine display of gorgeous plants.
I am a practical girl and I rather enjoyed the plethora of sheds on display. And then there were the plant supports from Plant Belles. Attractive AND practical. We are currently using one of their tunnel systems to support the net on our Brassicas at Heale and it looks lovely. So much better than a hand made rectangular construction. Well done to them.
My week ended with Strawberry picking at the local farm. NOT my own but really good and when you only have a patch, sometimes you need to collect from someone elses. Far superior to shop bought and supporting local enterprise.

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