Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Little things

This week has been full of showers and sunshine. Perfect for May when growth goes crazy and everything grows like mad. As I write this, I am looking out at my tiny front garden. It must be only 6 by 7 feet. I inherited it as two Rose bushes in a rectangle of soil. When I had the time and as I began to enjoy horticulture more, I started from scratch and made a border either side of a gravel path.

The path began life enclosed in edging but as the edging rotted over the years, I just allowed the gravel to sprawl into the soil. A la Dungeness! The garden faces South so can get incredibly, unbearably hot and rather suits the gravel.

It represents me. A garden packed with plants I either bought, scavenged, raised from seed, took from cuttings. Plants from places of interest, plants from holidays, nurseries far away. A mish mash that has come together and makes me smile every time I see it. My poor Daphne that now curves over like a bent old spine, was damaged after some building works a few years ago. I didn't want to get rid of it so have come to love the way it curves and shoots new growth at each section.

Some Digitalis my youngest son chose are starting to flower, they make me think of him every time I come home.

Nectaroscordum planted as a bulb, the long wait over, as they tower over everything else and hang daintily from their stem.

The Trachelospermum bought by my Aunt, climbing our brick wall. The tiny flowers look and smell divine.

Rosemary, planted for my husband and of course for the Bees.

A happy place, on a fairly busy residential road. My oasis of lush greens and buzzing Bees. It is possible with a little effort!

1 comment:

  1. Our gardens can be such a reflection, as you say.. When one is gardening for a living, one's own garden, although full of, as you say, plants from here + there, gifts from clients + friends, cuttings that took, (or didn't), one-ofs that we couldn't resist, weeds that snuck in, and (in my case) took over in places... all a mashup of memories, triumphs and failings, neglected sometimes for years...for other parts of own's life that needed us more, like children, family, work + rest... yet always there, to be treasured + rediscovered each season... I'd love to see your garden... thanks for sharing it in this post. xx
