Tuesday, 2 January 2018

New beginnings

So, I am guessing I am not the only one feeling a lack of motivation in the garden today! I always find it hard to get going again after the Christmas/New Year lull but I know it will come.

I have been reading about the Norwegian term for the gap inbetween Christmas and New Year called Romjul. I love this idea. In the UK we tend to think we must always be working, tired and pushing on no matter what. The Norwegians (amongst many cultures I am sure) embrace the down time and slow down to a meditative pace and take healthy walks. Well, sounds lovely if you can. I think we could all try and do that from time to time. But the Christmas period is so special because it is cold and wet and what else REALLY matters during this time other than friends and family. I feel very lucky indeed.

Despite feeling sluggish, in addition, I always feel excited about the gardening year ahead. The seeds need sowing and something will always thrive even if some fail. Nature working its magic.

I leave you with a photo from the Summer. Heale veg garden in full flow. Ammi majus, Lathyrus, Nicotiana, Plectranthus. A beautiful reminder that it will all come again, the dark days will disappear and the sunshine will be here before we know it.

1 comment:

  1. Always enjoy your posts Johanna.. Seems very wise to slow down, savour family and friends at this time of year..I share your enthusiasm for planning garden projects for the year ahead... Think perhaps one of the defining characteristics of gardeners everywhere is how we see the cycling of the seasons in that circular way...the wheel of plant life keeps rolling... Wishing you and yours the very best for the year ahead! xx
