Thursday, 6 October 2016


This week the weather has turned and the sunlight is lower in the sky. It is my favourite month of the year (along with April).

I have been lucky enough to be outdoors all day every day and it has been an assault on the senses. Butterflies whirling around in the breeze, Buzzards mewing, Cormorants overhead this morning, Sycamore seeds flying down like little helicopters.

There is so much to see and most of it bathed in Autumn sunshine.

I am in love with the Squashes, pumpkins, gourds on offer and we have all sorts at Heale, grown from seed this year.

We have the most amazing Turks Turbans this year at Heale  (and I grew them with my 8 YO son at Plot 18b too), along with Uchiki Kuri which as you can see from the photo below, is the most incredible colour! It is Japanese and is supposed to taste of chestnut. I must grow them myself and find out.......

Although the Kitchen Garden is nearing it's year end of production, there is so much to do. I almost feel like it is getting busier at the moment. I have been transplanting, lifting, dividing plants in my Tuesday garden (which became a Wednesday garden too this week and for a couple more!). Potting up tender Salvias and getting the greenhouse ready for the colder weather.

I began pruning one of the many rambling Roses at Heale today -  a task I love to complete, so satisfying - and have left it all ready to roll next season. It just takes so much time and I think that fact gets forgotten. Such a rewarding job and on such old roses too. Rosa 'Crimson Shower' below :)

Many projects ahead at Heale and I am looking forward to the change.


  1. Such lovely colours. Squash always lifts the spirits. We haven't visited Heale yet. It's on our list for next year. All the best- Karen

  2. Sound like a busy time...but as you say, so satisfying to garden in October, especially when it's clear and dry...Your squash are a vision...Enjoy...and thanks for sharing : )
