Sunday, 31 May 2015

Dahlias amongst other things........

Time to plant Dahlia's out in two gardens last week. Some potted up and some just stored. They are such funny little shriveled things. How a new 4-5 foot prolific flowering plant comes out of the bundle of tubers is beyond me. What a wonderful thing.

In one garden I was planting 'hot' colours to compliment planting in a very sunny border which also includes Verbena, Kniphofia, Bergenia. Some of the varieties have delightful names.

At Heale, I was splitting old tubers and planting amongst Peonies in an open bed.

I love the size and variety of the Dahlia flower and have also been putting a few in at home. Great for picking. The National Dahlia Society have an interesting page on the history of this beautiful flower, originating in Mexico :

My main job at Heale now is in veg and I am very happy in that role. The rest of the main gardens require a lot of mowing and strimming and this continues around me, whilst I remain within the walls of the veg garden. I have been weeding like mad, trying to win the battle. I have been planting out more cut flowers in cutting rows - Cosmos 'Sweet Sixteen', Zinnia 'Starburst' and Stocks.

Most veg is off now, on its way. Still to plant our Courgettes. Cropping of Asparagus, Salad and herbs continues. I planted out Cucamelons last week (Melothria scabra), which we have raised from seed. I am excited about these as they are new to me. They sound really delicious, cross between a melon and an olive, stripy little fellas, also known as the Mouse Melon!

We will continue to succession sow Radish, Beets and Salads. The Potatoes are very happy growing taller by the day and the Beans that I planted with Harry (our Workie) are now showing their heads above the soil.

Ying and yang this week. I worked with Andrew one day and hardly saw a soul the next. Very hot one day which meant spending all day moving a sprinkler around and heavy rain the next. Sticky boots and wet sleeves.

May has come to an end, my favorite month of the year. The Wisterias are in full flow and the visitors are full of excitement about the gardens at Heale. I love this time when all the worry about little seedlings starts to dissipate and we get to begin to enjoy the results.

1 comment:

  1. Really enjoyed you post...Hope to visit Heale one day. I'm in Vancouver Canada, working as a residential gardener. Had some very high temps last week here, almost 30C. May is one of my favorite months as well, though as you say, keepiing up with the weeds is daunting! Onward to June : )
