Saturday, 20 December 2014

Pfoof! What a year it has been

These last two weeks at Heale have been about preparing for the new season ahead, trying to get ahead of the busy months, we know they are coming....

We have continued planting bulbs in the cut flower beds, Tulip with wonderful names such as Nightclub and Happy Family and Allium giganteum. We planted some Tulips through the "Tunnel' borders (apple tree tunnels) as well, this time a green and white tulip with splash of red - Tulipa viridiflora 'Flaming Springgreen'.

HG and Andrew have been busy re-creating a border, moving soils, raking, boarding a new edge.
We have been lifting Gladioli and potting up cuttings and Fritilliara/Muscari. Some of my cuttings of Plectranthus ciliatus were ready for a house move, their roots had progressed just in perlite and grit, no soil required!

I trimmed up a Lepechiana hastata which has beautiful long tall flower spikes and smells so fragrant.

We also planted lots of species Roses recently, planting 'three times' to reduce the chance of wind rock and root disturbance, deep enough hole, press down  first time, add muck, firm again, final soil and final firm! No movement allowed! HG also showed me how to care for your Rose, BEFORE you plant, check it for old stems, damage, inward growth, check and trim roots too, and always keep wet whilst preparing to plant.

I have wrapped up Dahlias like fish and chips - Salt and Vinegar Sir? - and fleeced Geraniums to protect from frost.
My year at Heale in 2014 has come to an end. At the beginning of the year I was at Houghton, and when I needed a garden to finish my training in, I chanced my arm and walked into Heale uninvited. I never expected to be lucky enough to train at the garden and certainly not to meet HG Michael who has taught me so much and been endlessly patient with me, poor chap! Then to finish my training a few months ago and be employed in the garden. Pfoof! Quite a year.

Alongside Heale I have begun working in a 4-5 acre private garden, under the guidance of a  knowledgable owner who is passionate about her garden. The two combined allow me to work differently with plants and I am enjoying the challenge. Being Mummy somewhere alongside all this seems the biggest challenge as when I come in from the garden I want to research and read but fat chance! I know the time will come. I very much hope my family are getting a better person as I enjoy being outdoors so much, I come back happy......and without them I really couldn't do it. My boys have supported my move to gardening and let me go off into the world again.

I find the peace, being in a big garden, quite overwhelming, hearing every sound in nature. We have a Robin that flutters around us, the river running, pheasants flying, Kites, Woodpeckers knocking, the list goes on. 
And for all those that say "Oh are you a Garden Designer?" and "Don't you hate the weather?", well "NO!". I like practical gardening, I like the mud, the rain, the wind, the sun, changing all the time and I see it, feel it, smell it. 
That is much more than I ever got at a desk and I am glad I have found it.

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