Friday, 7 November 2014

Cycles, seasons, rituals

This week I have worked in four gardens, each very different yet Heale is another level. The sheer amount of work required, the size, the heritage, the variety of plants. It is gardening with care taking and a sense of pride in what you are achieving for future generations to enjoy.

Never before have I been in the river to wash my boots before caring for a 100 year old Japanese Teahouse, which requires shutting up for the Winter! What a beauty of a building, tatami mats which when you lift them, the original edging decoration shines gold and the paper thin shutters have bamboo images upon them. You can see the River flowing beneath the floor as you look down and the view of the garden becomes new for your eyes.

The weather has whipped up wind, rain, followed by sun and warmth; it has been frosty and cold and beautiful and wet and muddy and dirty.

We have dug and double dug and prepared for the next season of veg. We have cleared old crops, Courgette, Bean and cropped existing, Kale, Leeks, Pak Coi and Salads.

We have continued with the ritual of carefully lifting Dahlia tubers and labelling and storing them for their Winter storage. Some gorgeous varieties and new ones to come next year too.

We have planted more bulbs, slowly does it, 1000 went into the grass near the Medlar tree. Crocus crysanthus 'Blue Bird' and Scilla siberica 'Spring Beauty'.

Could I live without the seasons? I am not sure I could.

Such potential for next year and what could be.

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