Sunday, 11 May 2014

Sunshine and showers

This week at Heale I had two days of polar opposites, rain and then sunshine, like on another planet. Getting muddy wet gloves is not much fun but the flipside of planting out in the sunshine, is worth waiting for, a Gardener's life.

I weeded the parterres this week, Buxus and Lavandula edging with lawned pathways mean weeds. It is a time consuming job on your knees. The realisation soon hits that this type of garden design means you are going to have to do the job all over again in a few weeks to boot! The pathways need edging too of course but when the job is done it does look good.

When it rained heavily I spent time with Michael 2 (I must find another way of distinguishing between Michaels) in the prop, cutting Tulip bulb foliage down, washing the bulbs and drying ready for storage.

Michael HG also gave me a masterclass in Secateur maintenance, thank goodness, as mine were in dire need. WD40, oil and a sharpen later and Bob's your Uncle, off you go again. They are so much better and now at least I know how to look after them once a week/month or whenever I remember to care for them. Felco are the best as you can strip them back and clean them in pieces.

I also spent time this week in the kitchen garden amongst the veg, planting out Borage, Calendula, Nasturtium and Mint, in the herb/cut flower area.

The Single Cordon Sweetpeas have suffered the Slugs amongst other damage and so I set about removing 40 plants and replacing them. Tying in, snipping the tendrils and they are good as new. Hopefully they will make it to a ripe old age and give us show stopping long stemmed flowers later in the Summer.

The Wisterias in the garden are coming into their own, beautiful racemes hanging from pillars and walls all over the place, spoilt for choice. Alliums are bursting open now and Poppies are dotted about. The number of greens to look at are wonderful, layer upon layer. There are a vast number of Iris, very tall, adorning various borders.

Much to my surprise one morning I got involved in Sheep herding into a nearby field and feeding Kunekune pigs in the meadow amongst new born Lambs. Country life eh? It's bonkers.

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