Thursday, 16 January 2014

Rain and a the Wassail is upon us....

A week of hiding from the rain so we took some time to check over the Hydroponicum which can become slightly overlooked when the rest of the garden is in full swing. It was great actually to look at the plants as I usually just walk past them on so many occasions.

I was introduced to the wonderfully delicate and detailed flower of Bilbergia which emerges from grassy foliage as a droplet of pink, yellow, purple. There are lots of Sedums to see, Sempervivums, Pelargoniums amongst lots of others, Monsteria (Swiss Cheese), Strelizia and an Olive tree. An orchid (below) looking like he is wearing a twiddly moustache, my son's said it looked like a little man!

The Hydroponicum channels have been planted up with Strawberries at one end which will tumble down, all WITHOUT soil, just water and feed filtering through on a felt like strip and a pump to keep the air flowing. It blows my mind really that this is possible and I often pick a Strawberry up on the way past just to check it really is rooting and surviving!

We gave the place a good clean down as well in preparation for our Wassail which is happening tomorrow, a toast of cider to the orchard to encourage a bumper crop of fruit in the year ahead with a little singing and dancing to boot. I love pottering and flower arranging and got to wander the gardens in search of foliage for displays. Who wouldn't love that? Choisya, Rosemary, Euphorbia, seed heads from the Oregano, lots to work with.

Even in the middle of January in the rain the garden has lots of interesting things to see, berries dangling daintily, Hydrangea heads standing tall over the border, bright yellow almost buttercup gold of the Aconites peaking up with Snowdrops and I noticed the Fennel springing up in the herb garden ready to burst into life again with its feathery foliage.

Cannot wait.

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