Saturday, 7 September 2013

Marigold seeds and sunshine

Lots of variety in the garden at the moment and a job to think about what to do first. I was asked to deadhead Marigolds and harvest some heads for seed collection. They are strange looking things that look like a cluster of dead woodlice clinging together. Lots of different seed heads around at this time of year. all kinds of shapes and sizes.

I was also involved in pruning back Rambling Roses which are over archways through the walled garden. A long and prickly job, cutting out dead growth and re-training the new. It makes such a visual difference to the archways.

The Lolla Rossa Lettuces are ready to cut, all grown without soil, and delicious they are too.

I have been using some machinery, the drive-on and the leaf blower. All great to try out, all new to me. We have been busy cutting back Laurel in the Peacock garden to a manageable height and thinking about the Veg plot for next year. Lots of wonderful purple french beans at the mo and beets to take home to cook. Andrew is planning on green manuring the plot overwinter to give nutrients next year and suppress weeds, will be great to see how I can do this at my plot in the future.

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