Saturday, 25 May 2019

Month of May

It's all getting a bit like a jungle out there at the moment. The month of May. Sunshine and warmth suddenly kicks off growing in earnest and EVERYTHING needs doing right now!

This week I have been doing extra hours and it has been hot work. Much planting to do. In my Tuesday garden, my client likes to plant Dahlias in her borders and mix and match it up with Verbena, ornamental grasses and Crocosmia. There is really no point in rushing this part of the year. Months have been spent nurturing, over wintering, sowing, hardening off. Now is the time to give enough space to the plant, depth, a good watering and settling in. The plant will after all give you months of joy.

At Heale the veg garden is calling on all of me as I only work two days and it must all get done. I have been planting plants we have sown from seed months earlier. Ornamental Gourds mixed up with Ipomoea. Dill and Gladioli. Module sown Beetroot (colours vary), Rocket and Agretti.

Now Agretti is a new one on me. Apparently difficult to germinate successfully and requiring full sun once you have got that far. I sowed the seed in March and have only a handful of 10cm high seedlings to show for it. So surely it cannot wait any longer and requires planting out? I have gone for it! Watch this space.

Many tasks to finish in the veg garden and sprinkling is an ongoing one. It does all get done. Like Magic!

Around the garden it is all kicking off. Long meadow grasses full of our bulbs, which we planted on our freezing cold knees in the Autumn. Magnolias in bud and/or flowering their socks off. The Laburnum has a constant hum of bees about it, mixed in with Wisteria along the Pergola in the veg garden.

Many visitors are reporting that the gardens look good. They love the relaxed feel (which we tell them is a result of not enough time but happily it sits well with the river setting!) and the variety of plants on offer.

Onwards into the season. A gorgeous time of year to really get out and stretch your wings.