Sunday, 24 March 2019

New season

Heale garden is once more open to the public and we are seeing visitors drifting through the garden, enjoying the early blossom of Magnolia and bulbs such as Scilla and Fritileria (on their way!).

For me, I am always energised by the moving forward of the veg garden. I have sown most veg that I can for March. We are preparing supports for sweet peas and have been collecting pea sticks for the Broadies and Peas to cling to. Radishes will soon go out and Parsnips have been direct sown, Gladiator F1. Gladiator are reportedly less likely to develop canker which can ruin a crop. Seeing as you wait months for a Parsnip to mature, I like the sound of one that will be good after that long wait free of disease! Growing is not for the impatient! What better than homemade Parsnip soup topped with almonds in the Winter?

Mixed salad leaves are coming up in modules, looking tantalisingly fresh and tasty already in their micro form. This is a good time to sow annual cut flowers too. We collect seed as we can such as Tithonia, Daucus Carota and Antirhhinum. The Sweet Peas are in the cold frames, one set sown in January, the next in February and I just hope we will have enough and avoid rodents or slugs which can dessimate seedlings.

I am very happy with this time of year, so much hope is held amongst the leaves unfurling and the buds about to burst.