So, you might ask, what does a Gardener DO in the snow? Well, HG leads the way and shows me exactly what you can do. Leaf blowing plants to remove snow is great fun. The snow makes the plant heavy and could potentially break limbs or stems so it is a worthwhile task. You could of course just use a rake but when you can pretend you are exploding things in the air why wouldn't you go for the machine?!
We have also been sowing in the warm greenhouse, with snow coming down outside, could it get any better for a lover of plants on a Winters day? This week we have started sowing Sweet peas for the single cordons and some other annuals too. I love the process.
The veg garden still has Kale and Leeks but they must soon go to make way for preparing the ground for 2019 plantings. Digging is well underway and we are now almost half no dig so simply composting and covering takes less time. I will however miss digging if we go all out, no dig! It is a lovely job to do and cyclical so you feel where you are in the season.
In my Tuesday garden it has been weeks of Rose pruning which I really love to do. I love the challenge of taming the beast. As I do quite I lot, I have also gained in confidence and reckon I could tackle most roses now except one on a roof 20 feet up! Not my most comfortable thing to do, heights.
Soon the pruning will be complete and we will be well under way for the new season.
Snowdrop week begins at Heale in one weeks time so if this is your thing and you are itching to get out and about you can check the Heale website for dates and times. We have a lovely Nursery run by Ian who will be on hand to buy from too. Ian is knowledgable and very approachable so do say Hi!