We also transplanted the rest of the Leeks once we had created space by taking down the Broad Beans. Leek 'Below Zero' and 'Little Nipper', some of which were ready to eat they had grown on so much. Quite a process from sowing seed months ago, to planting out in a holding bed and then transplanting.
The herb bed at Heale has gone a bit nuts so needs a bit of a tidy. Cutting back Rocket, Mint, Fennel. The scents all around you are wonderful when you work with Herbs.
We cropped Courgettes (yellow, green and stripy), beautiful tender young green Beans, Cucumber, Radish, Potatoes (First Early, 'Red Duke of York', red skin, yellow flesh). Wonderful stuff.
The Globe Artichokes are coming to an end. A beautiful vegetable. Apparantly it has one of the highest antioxidant property of any vegetable, so not just a pretty face.
Sweet peas have carried on giving. Since we did the business of laying down and tying in, HG has fed them. They continue with gusto. We removed side shoots and tendrils and cropped in the persistent rain this morning.
The rain continuing, there is the endless pot washing to contend with. Great once complete and a perfect task for a rainy day.
We sowed more Salad, ready in a few weeks to pop out in the garden. Misticanza 'Quatro Satgioni' and 'Miscuglio', Asolo mix, Wild Rocket. Yum.
Much to see in the garden, a bright yellow Cestrum, which was pointed out to me by an inquisitive Dutch visitor, who has seen the plant growing in an Orangery in Holland. Veronicastrum covered in Bees and looking weird like an Ox tongue when the flower has fasciated.
Rosa mutabilis looking simple and fine in the veg garden borders.
New plant of the week, HG showed me a beauty hovering along the riverbank in the Japanese garden. Heart shaped leaves and an erect white flower head, Houttuyinia cordata. We even found it IN the river. Native to Asia, it is eaten as a herb in Vietnam, described as 'Fishy'! A bit invasive so they say, watch out!